The modular club I belong to (
Sacramento Modular Railroaders) is developing a new module type. We're calling these new modules 'drop-ins'. The club owns two turn loops that have had open centers since they were built several years ago. The idea of the drop-ins is to fill those holes and also to provide the opportunity to construct mini modules that provide additional switching possibilities for our ops sessions.
They will be smallish at 18" wide by 32" long - with a single track centered on line 7" from one edge.
I'm a big fan of this new module type. Their small size means it can fit in the trunk of my car and I can quickly jump to the thing I like most about model railroading - building buildings. I'm scratch-building a freight house for my drop-in and it is based closely on the WP freight house that used to be at 3rd and R streets. I've written about this freight house and it's sister at 2nd and R quite a while ago
Since that early blog post I've asked and been given permission from Bob Clark to display some of his great pictures he took back in the 1970s of the building. You should be able to double click on the pictures to enlargeify them.
3rd street - West elevation |
freight office north elevation - the truck side |
freight office south elevation |
further down the south elevation - |
4th street - east elevation. That's the logo of a freight forwarder. |
If I did the building in it's entirety, it would measure out to something like 42". I was not a math major, but I believe that is more inches than I have drop in module length. So I'm condensing the building - and I'm doing that by only modeling three railroad loading doors instead of the prototype's five. It should still look like a worthy freight house though, and I should be able to just fit it in at just under 32".
So I began cutting plastic and modifying window castings. Here are the first two walls I've been working on. Wish me luck and the strength to persevere!
west elevation office wall |
north elevation office wall |
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